About Cirrus Weather Solutions, LLCCirrus Weather Solutions, LLC began operations in the Memphis suburb of Bartlett, TN on February 5, 2010, which (not coincidentally) was National Weatherperson's Day and the two-year anniversary of the Super Tuesday Tornado Outbreak in the southeastern U.S. Strong tornadoes on that presidential primary election day devastated portions of the region we call home, including Southaven, MS, parts of Memphis proper, and rural northeast Shelby County (where Memphis resides), as well as the Union University campus and surrounding areas in Jackson, TN, just 80 miles east of Memphis on I-40. It made for an appropriate day to officially commence operation of a business devoted initially to keeping Mid-Southerners informed on weather regimes that affect the region and safe during severe weather events.
Since then, Cirrus Weather Solutions, LLC has overseen the operation of MemphisWeather.net (MWN) and JacksonWeather.net (JWN). MWN has become a regional leader in severe weather nowcasting via social media, keeping Mid-Southerners abreast of rapidly-changing weather conditions on Facebook and Twitter. StormWatch+ is a natural by-product of our mission to inform, educate, and protect the public during inclement weather. Cirrus is owned by long-time Mid-Southerner and private-sector and aviation meteorologist Erik Proseus. Erik's mission through Cirrus Weather Solutions, LLC is to use his meteorological expertise and communication skills to educate and inform the public on past, current, and future weather conditions and events. Motivation behind SW+ ALERTSConcern for a growing distrust/apathy towards severe weather events in the local area, as well as the tendency for severe storms to strike overnight in the Mid-South, drove Erik to conceptualize and produce SW+ Alerts. He decided early on that capitalizing on the explosion of the smartphone market could be a way to get pertinent weather information to a public that values their smartphones as much as their wallets and car keys.
After the horrendous tornado season in spring 2011 that caught many in Joplin, Tuscaloosa, and beyond off-guard, Erik decided to combine the valuable information being provided by the National Weather Service with advances in mobile technology to save lives, by increasing awareness and hopefully reducing apathy. Perhaps some day every American will know within minutes when they are under a severe weather warning thanks to a personalized notification from either SW+ Alerts or another geo-targeted alerting system. |
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